Biofertilizer is a large population of a specific or a group of beneficial microorganisms for enhancing the productivity of soil either by fixing atmospheric nitrogen or by solubilising soil phosphorus or by stimulating plant growth through synthesis of growth promoting substance . Biofertilizer is a 100% natural and organic fertilizer that helps to provide and keep in the soil all the nutrient and microorganisms required for the benefit of the plant or even as a corrector of pH, bacterial life and texture.the end product of the various phases of biodigestion , is a liquid which is dark in colour due to the presence of humus in it. The term bio means living, so biofertilizer refer to living, microbial inoculants that are added to the soil.
Phosphate solubilizing microbes:
Phosphorus is an important nutrient for plants. There are several microorganism which can solubilize the cheaper sources of phosphorus, bacteria like pseudomonads striata and bacillus megaterium, aspergillus and penicillium.
The term mycorrhizae refers to fungus Aassociated with plant roots . These fertilizer are divided into ectotrophic and endotrophic or the vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza categories.

Azopirillum are nitrogen - fixing bacteria that live in a symbiotic relationship in the root cortex of several tropical crops.
Azobacter are free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria and are known to produce several plant growth promoting substance. In additi caon to nitrogen fixation by these bacteria , they are also known to protect plant against pathogenic microorganisms. 

Rhizobium from root nodules in leguminous plant and fix atmosphere nitrogen in a symbiotic association. The rhizobium bacteria gives nitrogen to the plant and the plant gives protection to the bacteria from oxygen damage by inside the root nodule.
