Indian is the second most popular country of the world with a population of over 100 crores . Increase in population is creating an alarming situation in the food problem in India . Malnutrition in terms of protein
deficiency is one of the majoMushroom productionr factor responsible for high mortality and morbidity this country. Ond other developing countries of the word .due to population explosion the problem of protein hunger will become more and more acute. Animal Protein is beyond the reach of low income group which forms a large proportion of our population exploiting non-traditional food resources can make a substantial break- through to meet the serious food deficit mushroom ( often refers to the fruiting body of the grill fungi), yeasts and algal foods are frequently mentioned as alternative sources of food of these , mushroom are the most preferred in the present circumstances , popularising mushroom as part and parcel of everyday food is of paramount importance .modern mushroom culture produces more protein per unit area of the land than any other kind of agriculture and technology at present available. Mushroom farming is becoming successfull because of its very low input .
What are mushroom?
Mushroom are the fleshy fungi which constitute a major group of lower kingdom . The mushroom is a common fungal fruit body that produces basidiospores at the tip of clublike structure, called basidia, which are arrenged along the gills of the mushroom . Beneath the mushroom , in the soil, is the mold colony itself , consisting of mat of intertwined hyphae, sometimes several feet in diameter .the mushroom First appear as white tiny balls cosisting of short stem and a cap . Which begin to open up like an umbrella. The delicate membrane or veil to envelope the cap tears off, if allowed to develop fully,and lamella radiaing from the stalk into ,the cap become visible. These gills become darkened as the basiospoers develop into million and fall to the ground for starting their lifecycle once again for second generation of mushroom . Since mushroom grown independent of sunlight so they can be grown in complete darkness but the darkness is not essential prerequisite. They are relatively fast growing , do not require fretile soil , science grown on composted or uncomposted agro- wastes, and their culture can be concentrated within a relatively small space . In addition to floor , air space is also utilized resulting in higher production . It is a labour intensive indoor activity which can help the landless ,small and marginal farmers to raise their income diversify economic activity and can create gainful employment especially for unemployed youths, weaker section of the society and women folk .
It produces nutritious food from unused resources , available surplus in India and also can earn foreign exchange.
Cultivation of oyster mushroom
* Polyethylene chamber, mud/ pucca house
* Dry paddy straw or other agro wastes -100 kg
*Horse gram powder 4kg
* Spawn battles of pleurotus sp.
* Polyethylene bags 1 kg
* Water sprayer
1. Take dried paddy straw. 2.chop the straw into 1 to 2 cm Bits. 3. Sock the chopped straw into water over night. 4. Drain off the excess water. 5. Add horse gram powder at the rate of 8g/kg. 6. Add spawn at the rate of 30 g/kg. 7.mix all the constitution. 8. Fill the mixture into polyethylene bags with holes. 9. Keep the field bags in a room at 21 to 30C with sufficient light and ventilation of 15 - 16 days for spawn running. 10.cut open the polyethylene bags on the sides without disturbing the bed. 11. Spray water over the bags twice a day day.
Observation for the mushroom crop after 3 to 4 days of opening the polyethylen bags
Frist harvesting is to be done 20 - 20 days after spawning 2nd harvesting 27- 29 days after spawning and 3rd harvesting 34- 36 days after spawning
1. For better yields temperature of the room should be in the range of 20 - 26°C and related humidity of 70- 90°C
2.provide light for 15 - 20 minutes during cropping period.
3. Polyethylene bags with holes should be used
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